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Marathon Viewing Lists

Hi everyone!

Although this project was set up to be mostly a reference website rather than an actual blog, I thought I'd try my hand at adding some new content just for fun. Here are a few smaller lists I've made from the larger one that could be fun for a viewing party or marathon. As with everything, you may want to add or take away from these as your preferences dictate, but these are some of my personal recommendations. Enjoy!

TNG Journey's End

DS9 The Maquis, Part I

DS9 The Maquis, Part II

TNG Preemptive Strike

VOY Caretaker

VOY Parallax

DS9 Defiant

VOY Learning Curve

VOY Dreadnought

DS9 For the Cause
DS9 For the Uniform

DS9 Blaze of Glory

VOY Worst Case Scenario

VOY Extreme Risk

VOY Repression
The Worf Saga

TNG Heart of Glory

TNG The Emissary

TNG Sins of the Father
TNG Reunion

TNG Redemption, Part I

TNG Redemption, Part II

TNG New Ground

TNG Birthright, Part I

TNG Birthright, Part II

TNG Firstborn
DS9 The Way of the Warrior (Part I, II)
DS9 Sons of Mogh
DS9 Soldiers of the Empire
DS9 Sons and Daughters
DS9 You are Cordially Invited…
DS9 Tears of the Prophets
DS9 Tacking into the Wind
Mirror Universe Episodes
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly,  I*
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly,  II*
DSC Into the Forest I Go
DSC Despite Yourself

DSC The Wolf Inside

DSC Vaulting Ambition
DSC What's Past is Prologue
DSC Terra Firma, Part I*
DSC Retta Firma, Part II*

TOS Mirror, Mirror

DS9 Crossover

DS9 Through the Looking Glass
DS9 Shattered Mirror
DS9 Resurrection
DS9 The Emporor's New Cloak
*re-ordered in this list due to context of MU
Borg Episodes

ENT Regeneration
TNG Q Who?
TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part I

TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part II
TNG I, Borg
TNG Descent, Part I
TNG Descent, Part II

MOV First Contact
VOY Scorpion, Part I
VOY Scorpion, Part II
VOY Drone
VOY Dark Frontier (Part I, II)
VOY Unimatrix Zero, Part I

VOY Unimatrix Zero, Part II

VOY Endgame
Q Episodes

TNG Encounter at Farpoint

TNG Hide and Q

TNG Q Who?

TNG Deja Q

TNG Qpid

TNG True-Q

DS9 Q-Less
TNG Tapestry

TNG All Good Things…
VOY Death Wish

VOY The Q and the Grey
Section 31 Episodes

ENT Affliction (1)

ENT Divergence (2)
ENT Demons (1)

ENT Terra Prime (2) 

DSC Context is for Kings
DSC Point of Light
DSC An Obol for Charon

DSC Saints of Imperfection

DSC The Sound of Thunder

DSC Light and Shadows

DSC If Memory Serves
DSC Project Daedalus
DSC The Red Angel
DSC Perpetual Infinity
DSC Through the Valley of Shadows

DSC Such Sweet Sorrow
DS9 Inquisition
DS9 Inter Arma Silent Leges
DS9 Extreme Measures
Spock's Greatest Hits
TOS The Cage
DSC If Memory Serves
DSC Such Sweet Sorrow
TOS The Galileo Seven
TOS This Side of Paradise
TOS Amok Time
TOS Journey to Babel
TOS The Enterprise Incident

MOV Star Trek: The Motion Picture
MOV The Wrath of Kahn
MOV The Voyage Home
MOV The Final Frontier
MOV The Undiscovered Country
TNG Unification, Part I
TNG Unification, Part II
MOV Star Trek  (2009)

Holodecks - What Could Go Wrong? 

TNG The Big Goodbye

TNG Elementary Dear Data

TNG A Fistful of Datas

TNG Ship in a Bottle

VOY Heroes and Demons

DS9 Our Man Bashir

VOY Worst Case Scenario
VOY Bride of Chaotica

DS9 Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
VOY Spirit Folk

The Trouble With Transporters

ENT Vanishing Point
ENT Daedalus
TOS The Enemy Within
TOS Mirror, Mirror

TNG The Next Phase
TNG Realm of Fear
TNG Rascals
TNG Second Chances
DS9 Little Green Men

VOY Tuvix

The Crew Goes Crazy

ENT Singularity
TOS The Naked Time
TNG The Naked Now

DS9 Dramatis Personae


  1. Here's a jumping back in time watch list I have used before. Feel free to modify and post.

    1930 TOS The City on the Edge of Forever
    1944 ENT Storm Front
    1947 DS9 Little Green Men
    1957 ENT Carbon Creek
    1968 TOS Assignment: Earth
    1969 TOS Tomorrow Is Yesterday
    1986 MOV The Voyage Home
    1996 VOY Future's End (Parts I & II)
    2004 ENT Carpenter Street
    2063 MOV First Contact
    2258 MOV Star Trek (2009)
    2267 DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations

    --Chuck Jewell

    1. You're missing at least TNG Time's Arrow and DS9 Past Tense.

    2. And DS9's Little Green Men!

    3. Thanx so much,I wish to start a rewatch with these episodes, in fact these should be watched 1st in this order & again in their order by departing time,U saved me days or weeks of finding these back-in-time episodes.
      In fact there r many episodes& movies belonging to 2 or more places in chronology like for example MOV Generations,MOV 1st Contact,TNG Yesterday's Enterprise,etc.,some episodes should sure be watched twice in chronological view... These in this Your list r sure those to be watched twice for pedantic viewers.
      Well done!
      U deserve promotion @ least to the rank of Commodore for this list of time-travel episodes.

    4. Ms.Mira,yes,U r right,it should be on this list:
      2024 DS9 Past Tense.

  2. Does anyone know roughly where the William shatner mirror universe trilogy of books fits in? Is it somewhere between ds9 crossover and generations?

  3. Are there plans to drop the two part Terra Prime into the Mirror Universe marathon?

    1. It shouldn't be included there. Terra Prime has nothing to do with the Mirror Universe.

  4. Why is Little Green Men listed as a transporter episode?

    1. It's a transporter malfunction/issue that causes them to be sent back in time. The list is essentially a bunch of episodes where transporter malfunctions cause problems. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Ghosts of Illyria from SNW should probably be added onto "The Crew Goes Crazy", and also "The Trouble With Transporters"

  7. I have two suggestions:
    - add SNW: Spock Amok to your Spock list.
    - add TOS: The Tholian Web to the beginning of the Mirror Universe list. Even though it comes later than Mirror, Mirror, it sets off the events in In a Mirror, Darkly.

  8. I feel like the season 01 Enterprise episode "Unexpected" could be on the holodecks marathon list, since
    1. it's chronologically the first instance of a holodeck,
    2. a large portion of the plot centers around the fallout from Trip's trip to said holodeck
    3. the conclusion of the episode involves the Klingons essentially trading lives for the holodeck technology.

  9. I really love these! Are you planning on updating the lists and adding more?


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. As you may have noticed, I don't keep up with this site nearly as often as I'd like to. That being said, I will continue to update it as new content is produced/season come out and will endeavor to respond to comments when I'm able. Please forgive me if I don't respond to all of them. Thanks for viewing!!