... And Now the Conclusion!

Here it is! The complete on-screen Star Trek Canon in chronological order. Enjoy!

Number / Series / Title (Color coded by series)
- A small color-coded "c" indicates a crossover episode when a main character from another series appears in the episode.
- A number in parentheses after the episode title denotes two or three-part episode groupings not obvious from titles alone.
- Downloadable Version HERE


  1. Episode 474 has a crossover that's not listed. Lt. Reginald Barclay from TNG appears in this episode.

    1. I cant believe strange new worlds just came out and its already on the list

    2. Should it not be after season 2 of Discovery tho?

  2. What’s with the weird Klingons in Discovery? Also, why is Short Treks: Q&A listed AFTER The Cage? Thx

    1. You'll have to ask CBS about the Klingon choices for Discovery. i just order them chronologically. ;)

      I fixed Q&A. Thanks for pointing that out! It was placed on the wrong line.

  3. T here. Shouldn't Star Trek Short Treks "Q&A" be before Star Trek TOS "The Cage" on the list? Q&A shows how Number One and Spock met. In The Cage they are on the same crew with Pike. Sorry if this was already brought up.

    1. Yes, thanks for catching that! I fixed it so it's between Terra Prime and The Cage along with The Girl Who Made the Stars and The Brightest Star.

  4. 484 VOY is Parturition, not Partutition.

  5. Hello,
    I just watched Charlie X and the stardate is 1533.6 but the stardate of The Naked Time is 1702.0. I'm curious as to why you ordered The Naked Time before Charlie X?

    1. Stardates in TOS don't make a lot of sense. They didn't standardize them until around season 5 of TNG.

      For TOS, we ordered the episodes by production number. For most of the series it doesn't matter either way since the episodes are very episodic and have few to no references to each other, but ordering by production cleans ups some visual inconsistencies within the early first season.

      You can learn more about our process in the "How We Did it Section" if you're interested. :)

  6. This is such a great website, I have been making my way through the list while staying at home. One question, in VOY season 4, I feel 'Day of Honor' and 'Nemesis' should be flipped so that 'Day of Honor' and 'Revulsion' are back to back. At the start of 'Revulsion', B'Elanna & Tom share a kiss after Tuvok's promotion party. Just before the kiss, Tom mentions that the events of 'Day of Honor' occurred "3 days ago" which would make it tough for the the events of 'Nemesis' to occur in between the two episodes. Since a stardate isn't mentioned in 'Nemesis', the stardate order will still hold so won't cause an issue.

    1. Great catch! I took a look and updated the list accordingly!

    2. Speaking of "Revulsion", It has been awhile since I've watch them, but "Nemesis", "Day of Honor", and "Revulsion" isn't a story arc, is it? if not, I would put "Revulsion" after the DS9 block, as "Revulsion" happens on stardate 51186.2, after
      at least "Behind the Lines", which occurs on stardate 51149.5

    3. This is a good catch as far as I can tell. I just got to that part and it does seem like it would flow better. Seems like that episode order got jumbled at some point in the production of those episodes.

  7. Thank you so much for all your work!

    About "The Pegasus" and TATV...I find it perfectly spliced this way: watch "The Pegasus," and about 15 minutes in, Riker visits Dr. Crusher. RIGHT AFTER this scene, it doesn't go to commercial so there's no clear cut, but directly after this scene (Netflix says there's 30:18 LEFT in the episode, so it's about 15 minutes IN) you go right to TATV, and then cut back to Pegasus, and it goes perfectly.

    Put TATV right after the Riker/Crusher scene 15 minutes in.

    1. I actually created a DVD cut of this many years ago, and did almost exactly what you suggested. The only real difference was that I saved the final scene of Riker and Troi observing the Federation charter signing (ENT) until the end, after Picard let's Riker out of the brig (TNG).

  8. This is an amazing site!! So glad I found it. I'm about to re-watch every Star Trek series and episode and I really wanted to watch them chronologically, so this is such a life saver.

    Thanks a lot for all the work you put into the site and providing a downloadable listing so I can cross them off as I watch each episode.

  9. Awesome list, thank you so much for making it! Minor typo: 339 TNG Relics - the "c" after it should be red, not green.

  10. Suggestions for Short Trek ordering: I would put "The Escape Artist" immediately after "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad". The break between episodes 7 and 8 is basically the last time there's a significant lapse in time between episodes in Discovery Season 1. The next one that occurs is between "New Eden" and "Point of Light" in Season 2, which is where I would put "Runaway". I would also put "Children of Mars" in between Nemesis and Star Trek '09 because the Mars attack occurs in 2385 and the Romulan supernova occurs in 2387.

  11. I feel that Tears Of The Prophets should be positioned after Timeless, as it's part of that DS9 story arc.

    1. Super late reply, so my apologies - You're right, those are an arc - however there is a significant amount of time that passes between parts one and two of that arc where Sisko is living on Earth working at his father's restaurant, during which time that group of Voyager episodes take place - according to the stardates.

  12. 386 TNG Gambit, Part I
    387 TNG Gambit, Part II
    388 DS9 Cardassians
    389 DS9 Invasive Procedures
    390 TNG Interface

    These are in the wrong 'release' order. Not sure if it's intentional. Was a bit confusing when watching on Netflix as it played a different episode than expected.

    Outstanding project. Thank you :)

    1. In that era of Trek, we went by stardate order rather than release order. This provides the most accurate chronological viewing - but might not line up with some of the streaming service' orderings. Glad you're enjoying the list! :)

  13. I just watched TOS Court Martial which took place at Starbase 11. Then The Menagerie 1 with opening scene about how Kirk diverted to Starbase 11.

    1. He said he only diverted due to a signal. Just sounds a bit awkward. Though I did not note the stardate.

    2. Court Martial is before The Menagerie in both stardate order and production order, but vice-versa for airdate order. This list uses production order for TOS as the stardates prove contradictory at times. Wikipedia has a good table for Production, Stardate, and Airdate order for TOS.

  14. This is altruism at its finest.
    Great piece of work :)

  15. > 226 TNG "When The Bow Breaks"

    The title of the episode is "When The Bough Breaks"

  16. The Kelvin timeline stuff is an aberration and should never appear in any list. Well done for sorting out all the proper Trek though! This was very useful for my rewatch of TNG, DS9 and VOY recently, thanks for all your hard work.

  17. Short Treks Runaway is not placed correctly. In both Brother and New Eden there's the big asteroid in the shuttle bay; it is explicitly not there in Runaway.

  18. Does Star Trek Lower Decks take play before or after Picard

    1. It takes place between Nemesis and the events of Star Trek 2009 (destruction of Romulus). We added it on the side in that placement. :)

  19. Generations is in the wrong spot, maybe? I think it should be like this:

    VOY Emanations
    MOV Generations
    VOY Prime Factors

    While we do get a stardate at the end of the movie (48650.1) what would place it after "Prime Factors", the first one we get is 48632.4, putting it between the two. Emanations takes place on 48623.5 and Prime Factors on 48642.5

    VOY Emanations 48623.5
    MOV Generations 48632.4
    VOY Prime Factors 48642.5

    1. Intersting! There are rarely two stardates given for an episode/movie, so this could be a good catch. I would think we would want to go with the earlier stardate to place it chronologically. I'll look into it! THanks for the note. :)

  20. The only thing I would like to see is season and episode numbers next to the episode titles. It would help with knowing which episodes have be reordered, and make it easier to find when one has to flip back in forth when the shows start to overlap. If it is an issue with not having time, I can help with it.

    1. Thanks for the thought. It's not so much a question of time, but more a desire to keep the list clean and readable. There are lots of things we could add (season, ep. number, stardates, etc.) but we really just wanted this to be an easy way to see the episodes listed in the right (chronological) order. I realize these don't always line up with the order presented on streaming services (because those are based on air-date which isn't always the same as in-universe chronology), but most of them are close enough that it shouldn't be too hard to find what you're looking for based on the title alone once you're in the ballpark. - That said, I know some people have taken our printable list, imported it into a sheet and added some extra content for themselves. Feel free to do that if you like. :)

    2. I don't suppose there are any links to that sort of thing?

      The list, as a project, is fantastic. But I'll be watching everything in streaming services and haven't given a thought to keeping to the list for Enterprise, which I'm only now starting to realize may have been a mistake.

      I know the "right" answer would be to build this out as a Playlist of some sort, perhaps forcing a download of episodes, or perhaps checking the list after each episode every time and verifying title match each time, jumping around as needed, but one is potentially illegal and the other takes away from the immersion and possibly gives spoilers for cold opens of episodes played out of order.

      This list would work best as a columned spreadsheet showing some sort of color code for episodes that need to be played out of order from air date/streaming service, and the episode number.

    3. Having read some comments about season and episode number, I took that upon myself to add. The list is too long to fit in a comment so I’ve put them on a website so you and anyone else can reference it.

  21. Another suggestion, putting a version number on the list so it could be a bit easier to note if there has been a change or not.

    1. This is a good idea! I'm not sure how many "versions" we've done at this point so I'll have to think about the best way to do that. In the meantime, rather than only recording the most recent edits, I'll leave all edits moving forward in the FAQ section with the date of the edits that were made. Should've been doing that all along. haha!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I know you've already said that the episodes are based in the time frame of the framing story but have you thought about doing a time travel marathon with the "past" events in an earlier (or later) date?

    1. I have thought of doing a Time Travel marathon list. Just haven't gotten around to thinking through it. If you have suggestions, I'm open to hearing them. :)

  24. Hey there, in "423 TNG Firstborn c", Cmdr Ryker discusses with Quark so the c should be DS9 colored.

    Vulcan Salute !

    1. Thanks! Great catch! I fixed it! Getting all the formatting stuff to look right on this page is the most difficult part of the whole thing. haha!

  25. Well done man. I remember using this site 4 years ago, but I never got round to finishing. It’s so cool to find it again 4 years on, and see that it’s still being updated. Amazing.

  26. Why are Into Darkness and Beyond only side notes and not their own line? Also where’s LOW (Lower Decks) and TAS? Gotta add DIS season 3 now after PIC.

    1. It's right there in the intro for "... And Now the Conclusion!"

      "live-action, Prime Universe Star Trek canon"

      As for DIS S03, give him time. It just came out.

    2. As the other user stated, this is a Prime-Universe timeline. Into Darkness and Beyond are side notes because they do have very minor/tangential connections to the primeline due to Spock Prime cameo appearances.

      As for Discovery Season 3, we'll add all the episodes at the end of the season as per usual. :)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. ENT should be after the First contact movie as events of that movie resulted in a new timeline, evidence of which can be found in ENT season2 episode23 Regeneration

    1. You're correct that some of the events shown in First Contact affect future events, however that's not the way this list handles time-travel. For a detailed explanation of how we created the list check out the "How We Did It" section. :)

  29. can i watch all of these list on netflix ? i saw a few old series and new one. so should i start on the older release

    1. All the series except for the currently-produced ones are available on Netflix. Currently, the only way to watch Discovery and Picard are on CBS All Access - or by purchasing the seasons on DVD/Blu-Ray.

  30. I love this chronology. It's so useful for myself and two friends, who are embarking upon our own chronological viewing of the whole franchise, and using a lot of this to help compile our list. I was wondering though, with Discovery season 3 being set so far in the future, will this maybe change your stance on the Voyager episode, Living Witness, as I believe season 3 is set after this?

  31. just curious what is the star trek lower decks

    1. "Star Trek: Lower Decks is the ninth main series set in the Star Trek universe, the tenth including the companion series Star Trek: Short Treks, and the twelfth Star Trek series overall. It is the second series to be entirely animated, after Star Trek: The Animated Series, with episodes running half an hour, and the third series to have animated episodes, after Short Treks. Lower Decks is the first original animated series commissioned by CBS All Access, as well as the first produced by the new CBS animation arm, CBS Eye Animation Productions, and was announced in October 2018, with All Access committing to a two-season order."


  32. What about "The Animated Series" and "Lower Decks"?

    1. This is primarily for live action Star Trek. The animated shows are annotated in gray on the right side. In this case, TAS would take place (mostly) right after TOS. The exception for this would be episode 8, "The Magicks of Megas-Tu", which would take place before the TOS e[isode "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Check out https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Animated_Series and sort by stardate to get that list.

      LD is noted to take place in the list after Nemesis and should be watched in air dated order.

  33. Should TNG S3 episode “Sarek” include a red “c” since he is a TOS character?

    1. I didn't do it for every character crossover (DS9 "Blood Oath also has TOS characters for example), just when a main cast member from another series appears. - sorry for the very delayed response.

    2. That makes a lot of sense. Also thank you SO MUCH for this blog. I used this tool for my first proper viewing of trek during the lockdowns last march. This has enhanced the experience so much for me!

  34. I discovered this during Lockdown, initially from trying to revisit TNG (my childhood) and how DS9 fitted in (which I never completed first time around. I’ve now picked up the timeline that includes DS9, and watching in that order - a great way to experience the massive Trek Universe (get lost Marvel...).

    I did also start watching DSC, and this list encouraged me to go back and start TOS (which I’d never seen!), and now some of DSC (especially Pike) makes much more sense. And now I’m also working my way through TOS, which I had always avoided as I thought it would be too dated, and to my surprise- if you ignore the sets - is actually better acted (main crew anyway), funnier and more dramatic than I thought it would be.

    Being able to jump around the overall timeline, but at the right points in the TOS, TNG/DS9/VOY and DSC eras, using this list, makes for a great little time travel experience (which feels very Trek-like in itself!).

    Thank you for the effort of pulling this together, it certainly helps pass the time in constant lockdowns!

    All the best, James (UK)

    1. Thanks so much! Although I don't keep up with it as often as I'd like, this project has been a labor of love for years, and I'm always glad to hear about people who are using and enjoying it! Cheers!

  35. I discovered this during Lockdown, initially from trying to revisit TNG (my childhood) and how DS9 fitted in (which I never completed first time around. I’ve now picked up the timeline that includes DS9, and watching in that order - a great way to experience the massive Trek Universe (get lost Marvel...).

    I did also start watching DSC, and this list encouraged me to go back and start TOS (which I’d never seen!), and now some of DSC (especially Pike) makes much more sense. And now I’m also working my way through TOS, which I had always avoided as I thought it would be too dated, and to my surprise- if you ignore the sets - is actually better acted (main crew anyway), funnier and more dramatic than I thought it would be.

    Being able to jump around the overall timeline, but at the right points in the TOS, TNG/DS9/VOY and DSC eras, using this list, makes for a great little time travel experience (which feels very Trek-like in itself!).

    Thank you for the effort of pulling this together, it certainly helps pass the time in constant lockdowns!

    All the best, James (UK)

  36. I stumbled across this website completely by accident. You have just made my whole life better. I've been looking for a comprehensive list of Star Trek on chronological order since forever. I will be checking back often so as to make sure I keep things in order on every watch through as new series and films are added.

    1. So glad to hear you're enjoying it! Happy viewing!!

  37. [Vague Disco Season 3 spoilers:]
    Here's something interesting: Living Witness takes place after The Burn but before Discovery Season 3. At this point, you could place Living Witness in its temporally appropriate point without ending the series there (though I have yet to rewatch Living Witness to know whether it makes sense vis-a-vis The Burn).

    Also worth noting is that Star Trek: Lower Decks is only a few years before the events of Children Of Mars / Star Trek 2009's temporal crossover point, so, if the show lasts long enough, we might see the lower decks crew dealing with the Romulan supernova.

    1. That's a great point and something I've been pondering as well.I'll be moving Living Witness once I add Discovery Season 3 to the list... which will be soon! Thanks!

  38. CHEERS!!! Five years in the making & my first pass at this list is complete!!
    Just in time to enjoy the 800th episode of Star Trek!

    THANK YOU for this list. Looking forward to round 2 with all the new Treks shows and episodes added.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!

  39. Not sure if this has been caught yet (SO many comments), but this is just a minor formatting nitpick. Relics has a normal green c behind it, instead of a small red one. Again, minor, since I recognize that this must be a MASSIVE undertaking and your work is highly appreciated. Thank you. ^_^

    1. Thanks for catching that. I fixed it. - Blogger isn't the best site when it comes to formatting, which is why I don't update until the end of new seasons. Sometimes that stuff happens, so I'm glad you caught it!

    2. Wanted to add one more comment

      This list finally made me able to watch Enterprise. The show bugged me on levels I couldn't express during the initial run, from things like cloaking being in to the borg being present, the Akira shape, the name of the ship/series (it was well established in previous shows and supporting books that there wasn't a starfleet vessel named enterprise before 1701). And that awful intro song...

      I got through it because of this list. Still a bit annoyed with some of the problems, but the series was MUCH better than I expected.

      So I thank you for this.

      I know the scope didn't originally include the animated stuff but I find it difficult to ignore. Just now, I read your reply in the comments about the proper order for watching TAS requires viewing one episode prior to most of Shatner TOS, and the rest in start date order based on memory alpha.

      I love what you've done, and get the project scope, but for those of us who are completionists and want it all, do you think you could either offer another list with those properly included, or point to a list based on yours that has done this?

      I suppose I could always just make my own but I can't be the only person interested in a completionist version and your attention to detail is a highlight of the list.

      If I hadn't caught the comment, I wouldn't have seen that I should watch an episode of TAS in a different order.

      Thanks again

    3. I actually second the comment about the completionist version 😅

  40. Why are TNG Clues and Devil's Due swapped?

    1. Because of the Stardates
      Clues: 44474.5
      Devil's Due: 44502.7

  41. I made an every episode tribute roughly following your order.
    Here's the link if you want to check it out:


  42. The 2 enterprise episodes

    188 ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I
    189 ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II

    are misplaced, as Jonathan Archer says the ship came from 100 years in the future. Therefore these 2 episodes should be placed 100 years before

    187 TOS The Tholian Web.

    1. I see that you've discussed this in "How We Did It", but the way these 2 ENT episodes are handled is logically inconsistent with how Regeneration and First Contact are treated. In both instances (First Contact and the Tholian Web), events go back in time and affect previous characters (ENT and ENT mirror universe, respectively). Yet Regeneration is placed before First Contact, but the ENT mirror universe episodes are placed at the same time as the Tholian Web.
      If you placed the mirror universe ENT episodes 100 yrs before Tholian Web, they would be at the point of origin of the main characters whose story is being told. There is no prime universe main characters' story being told in these episodes, so even according to your strict convention, these episodes should be placed 100 years back.

    2. Not really. The events of the prime universe Tholian Web directly lead into the events of In a Mirror Darkly. So it fits best there. Similar to how the Kelvin timeline movies are after Nemesis rather than before TOS.

    3. Disco kinda messes with this as the Defiant is reference in during season 1. Not sure how to handle this.

    4. It's (so far) the only instance we've seen of a circular time-loop between three episodes, so placing these is understandably challenging.

      I still think it's best where we have them since IAMD Defiant is found almost directly "after" the event of The Tholian Web. The DSC episode acts as more of a reference at that point.

      That said, because of the "loop" nature of these, an argument could be made for almost any order.

  43. This is a great resource.
    Since you've made a pretty big exception to your "point of origin" convention with Discovery season 3, might I suggest re-thinking how you deal with time travel in this list? The best way is chronologically, and treat time-travel closed loops (characters go back in time, but then return to their time period) as being at the point of departure/return (which are the same). This places First Contact, Carpenter Street, and DIS season 3 where you have placed them on this list, without needing an exception to your rule (note that where an episode "begins" does not factor into the decision).

  44. I just noticed that Voyager S2E19 "Lifesigns" has a later stardate than S2E20 "Investigations", according to Memory Alpha.

    1. Hi, I'm not associated with this project, but just wanted to comment that this was a known production error. Investigations definitely comes after Lifesigns or else a very specific Tom Paris plot arc is ruined (that's the most spoiler free way I can put it!).

  45. And another one, VOY S4E13 "Waking Moments" is after S4E14 "Message in a Bottle"

  46. I'm curious what your thoughts are on this? Shouldn't TOS "Mirror, Mirror" go directly after "The Trouble With Tribbles". The last scene in DS9 "Trials and Tribble-ations" uses footage from that episode. In production order it is only a few episodes before, however I think it would fit best there. Also according to Memory Alpha "Mirror, Mirror" does not specify a stardate.

    1. It's true, they used footage from it, but I didn't think the footage used was intended to actually be from Mirror, Mirror, right? It's just what they happened to use to splice in Sisko b/c it worked.

    2. I would agree. I don't think that scene was intended to take place during Mirror Mirror, but rather they just needed a scene that fit what they were trying to do.

  47. Would Caretaker episode take place before the Jem’Hadar episode? I thought the voyager crew knew nothing about the dominion.

  48. I was told Lower Decks takes place during TNG, should I be bumped up the list? I started to watch the first episode but it seemed much farther into the future.

    1. It takes place in the TNG era. The year it takes place in is 2380

  49. It takes place in the TNG era. The year it takes place in is 2380

  50. 535 DS9 …Nor the Battle to the Strong
    536 DS9 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places

    Are those two eps meant to be switched? The current order goes against airdate and production numbers, and there are no stardates affected either way. Is there a continuity issue I'm missing?

    1. I'm wondering this as well; I can't find any reason to put "Par'Mach" before "Battle", but maybe I'm missing something.

    2. Same question. Thank you for asking. And thank you so much to the admins of this project.

  51. This is a phenomonal list. We're starting a run at it, starting with "Enterprise" s1e1 and going allllll the way through.

    I have to ask, why are "Silent Enemy" and "Cold Front" swapped from the broadcast order?

    1. According to dates given, "Cold Front" actually takes place a week after the next episode, "Silent Enemy".

    2. Thanks Steve! I'm glad you're enjoying the list! As Sans mentioned, it's due to the dates mentioned in the episodes. Sometimes stardates (or Gregorian dates in this case) indicate a chronological placement that's different from the order they originally aired. :)

  52. I grew up with TNG and Voyager and am familiar enough with the rest of the franchise to benefit fully from watching in chronological order like this, but I haven't actually ever SEEN the majority of the franchise. I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch the entire franchise for effectively the first time, except I'm already familiar with the universe and characters and plot, allowing me to enjoy the details. I am OBSESSING over this chance!

    I found your list thanks to /u/bernasm on Reddit, who expanded on it to create their own:

    I compared both lists to see where they differ. After that, I read the comments, which answered some of my questions. Here's what I found:

    1) Short Treks 2x2 "The Trouble With Edward". This list has it right after "The Cage", right before Discovery 1x1. The other list has it after Discovery S2 ends, paired with Short Treks 2x3 "Ask Not". How come?

    2) TNG 4x13 "Devil's Due" and 4x14 "Clues". The other list has them in airing order. This list has them reversed. How come?

    3) DS9 1x6 "Captive Pursuit" and TNG 6x13 "Aquiel". This list has them in this order; the other list has them reversed. Is this an instance of "no stardates; it's up to us"?

    4) TNG 6x14 "Face of the Enemy" and DS9 1x7 "Q-Less". This list has them in this order; the other list has them reversed. Is this an instance of "no stardates; it's up to us"?

    5) VOY 1x1/2 "Caretaker". A commenter on this list said "I thought the Voyager crew knew nothing about the Dominion." If true, that wouldn't that put VOY 1x1/2 immediately before DS9 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar", instead of its current position after DS9 3x7 "Civil Defense"?

    6) DS9 3x17 "Visionary" and VOY 1x7 "Eye of the Needle". This list has them in this order; the other list has them reversed. Is this an instance of "no stardates; it's up to us"?

    7) DS9 3x25 "Facets" and VOY 2x3 "Projections". This list has them in this order; the other list has them reversed. Is this an instance of "no stardates; it's up to us"?

    1. [I guess hitting the character limit ought to tell me something...]

      8) VOY 2x23 "The Thaw" and 2x24 "Tuvix". The other list puts them both *before* DS9 4x18. This list puts them *after* DS9 4x20. How come?

      9) DS9 5x3 "Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places" and 5x4 "Nor The Battle To The Strong". The other list has them in airing order. This list has them reversed. How come?

      10) This is the biggest one: six episodes (three DS9 and three VOY) that are in very different orders between the two lists, spanning two season finales. Both lists match up at DS9 5x23 "Blaze Of Glory"; which episodes come next and in what order is the question. How did you decide?

      10-A) THIS list goes: Worst Case Scenario (VOY 3x25), Empok Nor (DS9 5x24), Scorpion 1&2 (VOY 3x26 & 4x1), The Gift (VOY 4x2), In The Cards (DS9 5x25), Call To Arms (DS9 5x26).

      10-B) The OTHER list goes: Empok Nor (DS9 5x24), In The Cards (DS9 5x25), Worst Case Scenario (VOY 3x25), Call To Arms (DS9 5x26), Scorpion 1&2 (VOY 3x26 & 4x1), The Gift (VOY 4x2).

      11) VOY 4x4 "Nemesis" and 4x3 "Day of Honor". Thanks to a commenter, your list has them in this order based on dialogue. The other list missed this detail.

      12) A commenter pointed out that VOY 4x5 "Revulsion" actually "happens on 51186.2, after at least DS9 6x4 "Behind the Lines", which occurs on 51149.5".

      13) VOY 4x13 "Waking Moments" and 4x14 "Message In A Bottle". The other list has them in airing order. This list has them reversed. How come?

      14) VOY 4x26 "Hope and Fear". This list places it after DS9 6x24 "Time's Orphan". The other list has it two spots further, after DS9 6x26 "Tears of the Prophets". Any guesses?

      THANK YOU. This is incredible, and I'm about to use the heck out of it over the next... probably 2 to 2.5 years it'll take me watch all this. I really appreciate the work you're putting into making this tool for fans.

    2. I'm not with this project, but I've been looking into all this for my own rewatch, so here's my two cents about #1 'The Trouble With Edward'.

      Ugh this Trek lol. So, fandom-wide, no one can agree where it should go. Some say it should be placed at the same time as ‘Q&A’ (in 2254, same date as ‘The Cage’) b/c they interpret that the science officer who leaves Enterprise in ‘The Trouble With Edward’ was replaced by Spock. Nothing in the ep actually states this, people just think it fits nicely. And it kind of does.

      Others say she likely wasn’t the chief science officer, esp with how Pike refers to her as the ‘young science officer’, and that she may have served on Enterprise alongside Spock. That theory + analysis on the types of uniforms seen + certain references to the Klingons makes people think it takes place in the late 2250s/early2260s instead – same time as ‘Ask Not’. They also think it makes more sense that such a young officer would be given her own command after a war with so many casualties.

      People who prefer the first theory think the uniform argument doesn’t hold, b/c Short Treks was done on a budget and the uniforms aren’t always consistent, it’s just what they have on hand. They also think that even though in canon we’re told almost no one had seen Klingons in 100 years in 2254, we could have still been monitoring things near Klingon space pre-war.

      There was also a stardate given in the ep of 1421.9. Overall, that seems to place it post-DIS S2/around ‘Ask Not’, but DIS stardates are an inconsistent headache (like TOS/TAS), so that isn’t necessarily ironclad evidence.

      Maybe SNW will help solidify where this might go, but for now, you can really make a good argument for either. I personally place with ‘Ask Not’ b/c even though I really like the neatness of Spock replacing the leaving science officer, I think it fits better later, especially tonally. BUT I haven’t watched them all together yet, so I might change my mind when I do. I would LOVE it if anyone else could provide more evidence one way or another, b/c this ep has been bothering me more than it should!

    3. Again, I'm not with this project, but here's more of what I found. Hope this helps you!

      2) – Possibly a mistake here? Airing order (TNG 4x13 then TNG 4x14) is consistent with air date, production order, and stardate order. Maybe there’s an in-ep continuity issue I’m missing?

      3) 4) 8) – This list seems to have ordered these by their air date. The reddit list follows their stardate instead.

      5) – There are a number of known continuity quirks re: Voyager and the Dominion throughout the show. Voyager should know a bit more than they seem to on several instances. However, the overall consensus is still that the first encounter with the Dominion DID still happen pre-Voyager mission (ergo, this list is correct with its ordering). This is supported by stardates – if you place Caretaker before The Jem'Hadar, you contradict stardates. It also just doesn’t make VOY flow well when you’re watching.

      6) – The reddit list seems to follow air date. Idk why either choose what they did, but it doesn’t really seem to matter for these two. I couldn’t find any stardate or in-ep continuity issues either way. This is true for a lot of VOY/DS9 ordering b/c the two shows don’t have much overlapping content, given how removed Voyager is from the rest of Starfleet.

      7) – Unless I’m reading something wrong, both lists appear to use the same order for this one, with DS9 3x25 then VOY 2x3.

      9) – Another possible mistake here? Airing order (DS9 5x3 then DS9 5x4) is consistent with air date and production order. No stardates known for either. Don’t know of any in-ep continuity errors.

      10) – I would guess that this list also went by air date, with some tweaks b/c of the Scorpion 2-parter. The reddit list follows stardate for all.

      13) – This list follows production order and stardate for those two. Idk why the reddit list goes by airing order instead.

      14) – Placing VOY 4x26 after DS9 6x26 like the reddit list does makes everything consistent by stardate. This list goes by air date.

  53. Blown away by the amount of time and effort put into this chronology, I became totally committed to watching the entirety of Star Trek in your recommended order. However, we've just finished Enterprise and The Cage. Should we wait for Strange New Worlds to start, before moving on to Discovery? Do we know how long Strange New Worlds will last? Would hate to wait seven years before moving on to Discovery

    1. Thanks! Always nice to hear people enjoying the list! Personally, I don't think I would wait for SNW. It will take a long time to go through the list as it is, and we don't know how long it will be until it comes out. We also don't know for sure when it will take place in the timeline. Could be before DSC season 1, or more likely after DSC season 2.

      I say keep going! :)

    2. Right, that's what I was thinking. On with Discovery it is. And thanks once again for this list, you've done Star Trek fans a massive service.

  54. Amazing. Now you just need to fit in the books and comics.

    1. This list is only for "live-action" Prime-timeline Star Trek. Items in some of the books have been superseded by the episodes/novels. IE the novel Federation and Star Trek: First Contact. It is not feasible to for a list like that.

    2. sorry, meant episodes/movies, not episodes/novels

  55. Love the list, have you considered adding the games to the timeline? I thought I would ask considering some of them seem to be sequels to the films or series.

  56. I would argue that First Contact should be top of the chronological list. I understand that it introduces already established characters to uninitiated viewers, but I argue that First Contact is stand alone enough as a film that any lack of knowledge of the Star Trek universe would not impact the viewing. It also has the benefits of:
    1) Setting up the backstory behind the Human-Vulcan first contact and why there is animosity between them during the Enterprise series.
    2) Zefram Cochrane and his importance in Warp technology.
    3) Why the Borg are found on Earth and why they are important in ENT 2x23: Regeneration.
    4) It gives reference to and teases the link between Dr. Soong and Data in ENT 4x6: The Augments.
    5) Gives reference to who Riker and Troi are in ENT 4x22: These Are the Voyages...

    Without watching First Contact these points raise unanswered questions in the uninitiated that are not answered for hundreds of episodes (which will increase with Strange New Worlds, and any further series)

    1. 1. I think there's sufficient explanation in Enterprise about the history between Humans and Vulcans. Watching First Contact doesn't really give much extra information.
      2. Zefram Cochrane and his achievents are referenced throughout the shows. You don't really need to watch First Contact to know who he is.
      3. I'll give you that.
      4. I haven't gotten to the Augment arc yet so idk.
      5. These Are the Voyages... is placed during TNG Season 7 on this list. You should know who Riker and Troi are by then.

      Also, I think that you should at the very least watch The Best of Both Worlds, Family, and Generations before you watch First Conact. Maybe also The Way of the Warrior for conext on Worf.

      Besides, this is a chronological order; the primary purpose is not to have everything make the most sense for the viewer.

    2. True, I was thinking more from an uninitiated chronological viewing order - which I guess this list isn't.

  57. The episode Q-less of star trek deep space nine has a crossover with TNG in the form of Q and Vash.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hi Guys! This is awesome! I’m so glad to have found you as I was trying to piece together a chronological viewing order for Star Trek. Having read some comments about season and episode number, I took that upon myself to add. The list is too long to fit in a comment so I’ve put them on a website so you and anyone else can reference it.
    And for any Star Trek fans who might also be Star Wars fans (I know there are a few out there), I have a chronological order for Star Wars, as well.

  60. "Khan", not "Kahn"

    206 MOV The Wrath of Kahn

    Great site!

    1. The Wrath of Kahn would be terrifying! I mean, have you seen Clue?

  61. I think Twisted should be listed between Elogium and The Adversary. Memory Alpha list its stardate as 48945.8 and its production code is 119. Elogium's production code is 118 and The 37's' 120. According to Wikipedia, the four episodes from 40840-117 to 40840-120 were originally intended for season 1 of Voyager. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Trek:_Voyager_episodes#Season_2_(1995)

  62. just finished my 4th runthrough of this list. about to start again. was still in tears after what we left behind and all good things...

  63. "739 PIC Napenthe" should be "739 PIC Nepenthe"

    Awesome list!

  64. Great list guys! Really really helped with the podcast we're doing!

    So how about Kelvin Timeline: Into Darkness and Beyond? How do they fit in here?

    1. They are listed at 732 to the side.

    2. Thank you! The Kelvin Stuff is mostly an alternate timeline, so they are annotated except for the first one (at 732).

      Glad it's been helpful! What is the name of your podcast?

    3. The Four Quadrants Podcast!

  65. A fascinating and precise work of art. Thank you for your effort.

    1. Thank you. It was (and is) a Labor of Love. :)

  66. Thank you for your great work from Belarusian fan

  67. Hello from Australia - When I discovered this site, I decided to watch everything in this order and just over a year later, I've just watched Star Trek: First Contact! (I did consider quitting my job to get through this faster... But, gotta pay the bills!) I have included The Animated Series, Short Treks, etc. into my watch-through as well.
    So, firstly - THANK YOU! This list is amazing and I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the franchise this way.

    My question though is, with Lower Decks continuing and Prodigy on the way - it seems that using animation to tell Star Trek stories is probably here to stay and is considered canon - Will you consider adding these series to your chronology?

    Thanks again for all your work on this chronology! Brilliant stuff! :)

    1. I second this. It seems like Paramount considers oven TAS canon now (based on the number of references to it).

    2. Thanks! Glad you're enjoying the list.

      Yes, the various animated series are technically considered canon by the studio, which is why I do place them on the list in some capacity (to the right). The reason I've chosen not to fully include them in the same way as live action has more to do with flow and tone.

      Regardless of what the studio says about the stories being "canon", the tone of the things like Lover Decks is so much of a departure that watching them in the sequence doesn't "feel" like it's the same universe and therefore breaks the sequence a bit. For instance, it's difficult to reconcile the Riker of TNG (and his other cameos) with the caricature, over-the-top "silly" version of Riker in Lower Decks. They really are not the same character.

      For the record, I LOVE Lover Decks, so that criticism has nothing to do with quality. It's just that the purpose of this list is to unveil chronologically the "story" of Star Trek, and things like that don't do that mission any favors. Of course this is strictly a personal choice, and I know others will disagree, which is why I am including them in some form where they would take place in relationship to the live-action shows.

      However you decide to watch, and whatever you choose to include, I hope you enjoy the list and the journey! :)

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  69. Shouldn't Star Trek Generations opening be listed between Undiscovered Country and TNG series because that's when that part happens. Rest of Generations is after TNG series. Think it adds to chronology to split up. Not necessary, but fun, is to start with Star Trek First Contact since it is set primarily in past & leads into Enterprise nicely with Cochrane & Borg, etc.

  70. Wouldn’t the film generations take place before Voyagers first Episode because Generations was released in 94 and Voyager in 95? Tim Russ played in Generations before he played Tuvok. Am I missing something?

    1. This is an in-universe chronological list, not a production order list. The captain's log in "Generations" (roughly at the 51:45 mark) is 48632.4. The captain's log in the Voyager episode "Emanations" (which is the one listed before "Generations") is 48623.5. "Prime Factors" (the one listed after "Generations") is 48642.5. The chronology is correct here based on the known stardates of the respective productions.

  71. Could you check the dropbox link for the downloadable list? It seems to be kaput. Thanks!

    1. I just checked it an it appears to be working for me. It might be an issue with dropbox or your account(?). Try again, but anyone else is also having issues, please let me know.


  72. Just curious how the new Star Trek: Prodigy fits in. According to the brief synopsis I read, I begins about 5 years after Voyager returns home. Is it at all relevant to the cannon,or just an animated series targeting younsters?

    1. It is an animated series targeting youngsters, but I think it is relevant to canon and will probably become more so over time as they get to the Alpha Quadrant.

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. I love this site. My new wife and I started “Trekkie Tuesday” and have been using this list every Tuesday for the last year and a half to go through chronologically. So thanks very much for taking the time and effort to put it together. But might I make a suggestion?

    We fully intend to watch everything, including the animated shows, shorts, and Kelvin timeline movies. Since many commenters have noted how they think those entries should also receive a proper, numbered place in the timeline, perhaps you could create another page on the blog, one that keeps this list intact as is while the other page numbers everything out in full. Two lists to satisfy all Star Trek fans that want to follow this. Just a suggestion.

    Also, shouldn’t the Discovery season two finale, Such Sweet Sorrow, be broken up into two entries, given that it’s a two-parter? You did that for the other two-parters, so it just makes sense to do so here too, I would think.

    1. I’ve taken the liberty to add season and episode numbers and I include the animated shows. Strange New Worlds will be added soon. https://film-buff.tripod.com/startrekchronological.html
      Hope this helps!

    2. https://film-buff.tripod.com/startrekchronological.html

  75. amazing job! thank yoy so much for your hard work.
    can you add the 2 animation shows ( lower decks, prodigy) ?

  76. Rewatching Voyager and it occurs to me, there's and issue with Dark Frontier and Juggernaut. In Dark Frontier they travel nearly 20,000 light-years with the Transwarp coil, saving them 15 years off their trip home, yet 3 episodes later we find a Malon freighter farting around.
    If we put Juggernaut before Dark Frontier it doesn't bother any chronological subjects I can see, in fact the closer to Extreme Risk it is the better because it's Belana dealing with her anger, part of which is probably from learning about the end of the Maquis.
    Just a thought!

  77. Hi! Could you please check the order of TNG Devil's Due and Clues? They seem to be switched around. Otherwise a really great initiative!

    1. Good catch. Fixed it! Sorry it took so long.

  78. Great job. Thank you very much for your monumental work.

  79. great work man really appreciate it .

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Author, Author is a crossover episode that is not listed

  83. Discovery season 4, Picard season 2, and Prodigy still need added.

    1. DIS and PIC will be added once the season is over. PRO will not as this list is for live action Star Trek. Notice how TAS and LD isn’t on here.

    2. That's fine but where be the place to put prodigy

    3. PRO is after VOY by 5-10 years, but as stated will not be on this list. DIS S4 will be added soon, but could wait until SNW S1 ends in July (7th is the S1 finale of SNW), PRO, LD and all animated Trek is not included in this list. S5 DSC, S3 PIC and S2 SNW will air starting Q1 2023, as PPlus has not announced premiere dates yet.

    4. I wish this list would reconsider animated shows like Prodigy that are considered canon.

  84. For 525 VOY The Basics, Part I
    526 VOY The Basics, Part II shouldn't they be named Basics, Part I, Basics, Part II just curious on that

  85. I know that sounds like a strange question but should I put the following Children of Mars before or after Star Trek Beyond the movie again just curious

    1. I think it's better to finish the Kelvin trilogy first then watch Children of Mars because it's directly connected to Picard S1, it makes more sense.

    2. The attack on Mars happens in 2385, and the Romulan supernova happens in 2387. That puts "Children of Mars" before Picard S1E1 chronologically.

  86. Also just curious why is there a big gap between 731 and 733

  87. I know that sounds like a strange question but is the original Series in air date or production order

    1. Production order because that's the chronological order of events.

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. Where is star trek strange new worlds in your timeline

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This list hasn't been updated since last year, but I believe SNW Season 1 takes place between DIS Season 2 and TOS episode Where No Man Has Gone Before.

  90. how come you do not have DCS se 3&4 and why is Se 2 after picard, com on guys ur my ST Bible

    1. DIS Season 3 is there, but it's set after everything because of the time jump.
      Unfortunately this list hasn't been updated since the beginning of last year.

  91. Hey Everybody!

    This is Jason (creator of the site). I wanted to apologize for not updating it recently. I started a new job and have been busy... BUT, I will plan to have DIS S4 and PIC S2 up within the next few weeks, as well as annotations for Prodigy.

    Also, as you probably know if you've read the site, my main goal for this was to keep it to Live Action for a variety of reasons. However, since a lot of you have requested a list that includes the animated shows as well, I'll do my best to create a second list on this site with those detailed as well. It might take me a little time, but I'll work on getting that up in the relatively near future.

    Glad you're enjoying the site! :)

    1. Thanks so much for putting this together. My dad and I shared a love of Star Trek, but he passed away due to cancer last year at age 66. As I mentioned in a different post, my wife and I have been using this list to go through the entire series, usually getting through three episodes every Tuesday, and we're doing it in honor of him. Going through this list makes me feel like I still have a connection to him, so I greatly appreciate the effort here. Keep it up!

    2. What a fun way to honor and remember your dad. Glad you're enjoying the list!

  92. Whatever happened to parts 1 and 2 of star trek Enterprise in a mirror darkly? In used to be mixed in with TOS but is now gone

  93. I'm right it used to be after the Tholian Web, does that episode not count anymore?

    1. Oops. They were still there, just colored red instead of blue. I fixed it. Thanks for catching that!

  94. This is beautiful work. Thank you.

  95. Amazing list! Found it online (after a lot of searching for the definitive chronology list). Fun to see episodes pop up in other series timelines. Just finished watching every available Star Trek episode in chronological order. Only took me 6 years, on & off, lol

  96. Very much enjoying going through the list - thank you for your amazing work!

  97. I’ve never watched Star Trek outside of some of the movies. I keep hearing how great Strange New Worlds is but wasn’t sure how to approach such a big universe of material. From the beginning of course! This list has given me an entry point and I’m having a blast starting with Enterprise with a plan to work my way through. My wife and daughter think I’m nuts!

  98. I believe “Children of Mars” should fall just before Star Trek (2009) rather than after. In-universe, the attack on Mars predated the Romulan supernova.

  99. Is there any way you could update with the SNW episodes. I’m trying to watch all the way through the list. Thank you!


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. As you may have noticed, I don't keep up with this site nearly as often as I'd like to. That being said, I will continue to update it as new content is produced/season come out and will endeavor to respond to comments when I'm able. Please forgive me if I don't respond to all of them. Thanks for viewing!!